Project Name: Yantai Haiwei Yacht Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Release Date: 4th May, 2019
Investment Mode: Merger
Industry: Manufacturing, railway, marine, aerospace and other transportation equipment manufacturing
Location: Shandong Province
Project validity period: Half a year
Total amount of project capitals: 208.9 million US dollars

Yacht manufacturing

Project Description:
Yantai Haiwei Yacht Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is committed to the development and design of four new series of ships: sailing (single, double body, captain 10-25 meters) recreational fishing boat (8-24 meters) yacht (12-24 meters) and marine mobile integrated platform. According to the communication and negotiation, we have an open attitude and are strong in the industry, which can promote the development of the industry. A partner with capital strength.

Information Source: Ministry of Commerce Public Services